High Bluff Females
We are proud to offer you some of our best female genetics in our annual bull and female sale, the No Borders sale and through private sale. We sell embryos private treaty and you can contact us here (link to inquiry form) or call us at 1-204-564-2547 to inquire about the availability of embryos on the cows and cow families featured below.

Esperenza Cow Family
High Bluff Esperenza 15Y
Sire Winn Mans Esperenza 835U
Dam Highbluff MS Orginal 4T
15Y is pictured at 8 years of age
The matriarch of the family is High Bluff Esperenza 15Y and she has proven herself very capable of raising top notch bulls and females. She is most well known as Casanova’s mother but has continued to impress each and every year. She’s a very attractive, sound, big volume cows who is quiet and moderate in her makeup. However another cow that is only growing more and more impressive in this cow family is High Bluff Esperenza 142A, the dame of El Dorado 74E, watch for her to continue to grow her name.

High Bluff Casanova 13C
Reserve Champion All-Breeds Bull, President’s Classic

High Bluff Esperenza 101E
Champion Junior Heifer Calf,
Canadian Western Agribition

High Bluff Fort Worth 131F
Esperenza 142A Son
Sold to Zdans, Alonsa, MB

High Bluff Casanova 13C
Purchased by Harvie Ranching and Sonderup Charolais Ranch

High Bluff Esperenza 7X
Full sister to 15Y
Sold to Pro-Char

High Bluff Game Plan 93G
Esperenza 15Y Son
Sold to Happy Haven Charolais

High Bluff Esperenza 142A
Pictured at 7 years of age
Dam of El Dorado

High Bluff Dunbar 53D
Esperenza 15Y Son
Sold to Soura-Horan Farms

High Bluff Eldorado 74E
Agribition Reserve Grand Champion
Co-owned with Mutrie Farms

High Bluff HD Cow Family
High Bluff HD 96A
Sire SHSH HD 14Y
Dam C2 MS 18W
96A is pictured at 7 years of age
SHSH HD left a mark on our farm that is captured best by our 96A cow. This foundation female consistently produces high performance, easy doing cattle loved by commercial cattle producers. 96A is a no miss cow that stamps all her offspring with square hips.

High Bluff Excalibur 69E
Sold to Van Eaton Farms
Reserve Junior Bull, Agribition

High Bluff Dodger 99D
Sold to Val Watje,
Brewster, Manitoba

High Bluff Excalibur 69E
Brandon Ag-Ex
Wheat Prince Champion

High Bluff General 87G
Sold to McKeary Charolais
Retained interest at High Bluff

High Bluff Good Intentions 97G
HD 96A Son
Sold to Terry Bartel

Wanda Cow Family
Harvie EGC Wanda 49D
Sire NUG Royal Red 324A
Dam Harvie Ms Wanda 83A
We purchased our original Wanda cow, Harvie Wanda 83A, out of the infamous Friday Night Lights sale from Harvie Ranching. We felt we had to have her because of her structure and frame that brings a bit more punch. Our favourite part of this cow is her foot, it’s big and set squarely under her, she’s just the kind of cow you want to build from.

Harvie Wanda 83A
Purchased from Harvie Ranching

EGC Forbes 56F
Sold to Landen Poyser, Roblin, MB

EGC Granton 104G
Sold to Barry Kalinski

Ms Much More Cow Family
EGC Red Lashes 23F
Sire Sunville Driller
Dam EGC Red Lashes 77B
This cow family is a key cornerstone to our Simmental herd. They are easy to pick out in the pasture with their moderate frame, stylish front and chunky calves at their sides. This cow family hits the mark 10/10 on structure with beautiful feet. They are easy calving with consistently light birth weights but they are affectionately known around the farm as the “chubby” cow family because their calves are easy doing and waste no time catching up. The matriarch of the Chubby cow family is Ms Much More 72P who made her mark as Reserve Grand Champion at Agribition and stayed around the farm producing irreplaceable females until she was 16 years of age still looking as youthful as ever. Watch for 77B, the dam of EGC 23F and 75J pictured below, to fill in her shoes as the next head of this iconic cow family.

EGC Red Lashes 75J
In High Bluff herd

EGC Lashes 84B
Reserve Heifer Calf, Ag-Ex

EGC Journeyman 165J
Sold to Brimner Cattle Co.

EGC The Judge 96J
High Bluff bull used for heifers